Saturday, January 26, 2008

Hello hello!!!

Ok I'm not sure if anyone reads this, but I want to appologize first of all for not writing more regularly!

Things here are good, but I only get one day off a week, and only 30 minutes computer use, so it is quite crazy!

Temple Square is amazing! I really do love being here, we get about 4,000,000 visitors a year from all different places in the world. Last night I gave a tour to a man from Germany who is living in China, and came to Salt Lake for a convention, and wanted to know what the temple was. It was really fun, he had lots of neat questions, and was really nice.

I hope Bank of America is well, just wanted to give a 'shout out' to my old associates...I miss you all!!!

Time really flies when your busy. I can't believe its almost been 3 months since I left (thats 1/6th of my mission!)

The other sisters that are serving here on Temple Sq. are pretty awesome. The other morning we had "Mattress Dominoes" in our apartment complex at 6:30am before we had to go to the Square. Everyone stood with their matress in the hallway, and someone pushed the first one, and we all went down with our mattresses! It was pretty fun to do, and then I had it recorded, so its pretty fun to watch as well :-)

Well, I'll try to write as often as I can, but no promises. I hope everyone is well...again, here is my address, I'm much better at writing letters:

Sister Melody A Nelson
UT-SLC Temple Sq. Mission
50 N West Temple St Room BSVC
SLC, UT 84150

Love you all!! Thanks for supporting me :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So that is how you spend your mornings...playing mattress dominoes with your compadres in crime. somehow it seems appropriate. Bank of America does miss you.