Monday, November 12, 2007

Play by Play

Hello friendly readers of my blog!

Well, its been a few days, and I've been set apart as an official missionary! (for those of you who aren't familiar with that term, being "set apart" means that I had a blessing from the president of my stake and am now a missionary.

THe last few days have been filled with shopping for missionary clothes, traveling, and hugging a lot of relatives...

My grandmother's funeral was good- she will be missed, but she is with my Grandfather, and we are happy for them. The funeral was today, and after it was over, my parents, borther, sister, and I drove down to Utah, and thats where I am now.

Boy was it weird to cross that Utah State line and think that I woudnt be leaving again for another 18 months, but at the same time, I am really excited.

I can't even imagine how much my life will be changing in less than two days. Going out there to Salt Lake will answer a LOT of the questions I have been thinking of the last few months. Where I live, what I eat...all of it is a big mistery right now! Its exciting though.

Like I said in the last post, I'm going to the Missionary Training Center on Wednesday and I won't have internet access for 3 whole weeks, so don't be alarmed!

Hope all is well with everyone out there. If you want me to write, be sure to leave your addresses!

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